Sunday, April 28, 2019

Woods Lost

The book-elf myth trowels conjugations
and the sun-hydrant oath inks amnesty.
I buy the honeydew totem yet the twin wine
weeps superior land. Who buys the monastery?
Hustle-moths revolt and sew the blue tin
featherbed. I eat air, roar,  and ascend. Ethylene
endows wheat donuts. Hut hens twitch mint-gin
prisms and iced tree harmonies fend cane.
Monks vow hell-law through decayed teeth. Lux
provokes the earthly mini bees
In the forum café, harmony-freedom frets syntheses,
the wet-ash injuries hit high-trade telemetry.

I am the obscene sun that dotes on a seminal rain
twirling guilt on an ion hike to kidnap acorns.

I suppose I should have read the prompt earlier because I liked it so much, I decided to do it. However, poems like these take a lot of revision to make it something more...  The prompt was to remix one of Shakespeare's sonnets. I chose CXXXIX (Call me not the justify the wrong).  Then I took each line and ran it through an anagram generator.  Once it was done, it needed a lot of revision; I added words, changed parts of speech, etc. I like how it turned it. It's a lot of fun to read out loud. Go on, take a read.

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