Thursday, August 17, 2017

Let's Talk About Race

I have spent the last few days trying to figure out how to write what I think about "race" relations in this country.

The title of this blog post is useless but effective.

Race as we know it in this country and probably others is a social construct. We are part of one race the human race. This includes all people of all skin colors. Physically, our differences are small. As a species we have the least amount of genetic variation.

People whom hate "others" will more than likely not change. It doesn't matter what you say or how many studies you throw at them. Or how much you condemn them. They are set in their beliefs. Fine, let the racist dinosaurs die out.

Relations between people of different skin colors suck in this country. And I have been thinking of ideas on how to make things better. I can't think of any. I heard about restitution. I don't think it will solve anything, it sure won't solve the deep seated issues.

As horrible it is,  America's history is dotted with European conquest of people of different skin colors and culture. The Spanish converted native populations in the Southwest, Mexico and South American. Other European cultures eradicated, killed, moved millions of natives on America's mainland. And of course, millions of Africans were brought against their will to be slaves.  We all know this or at least I hope so.

And still I have no idea how to solve our social problem. I am not worried about ISIS. I am worried about us, and how we are fighting against each other. As the saying goes:  United We Stand, Divided We Fall. We need each other.

Please tell me what you think this country can do to be united and equal for all people regardless of skin color.

Till next time...

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