Tuesday, January 8, 2013

More From Tuesday

Okay, the last post was just to try out my new tablet. Let me tell that onboard keyboard is a bitch. It is so sensitive and I mispell quite a bit which gets on my nerves. Here I am posting back on the laptop. The very reason I wanted a tablet was to write on the go and soon I will be able to. I am going to buy an app that lets me create documents in word format and I am also going to a buy a roll up keyboard that hooks into USB so I don't have to use the onboard keyboard. I wrote a haiku on it last night but they are pretty small poems so it only took a half hour (not really but it sure seemed like it).

I am really glad I have it though, I know I am going to use as much as possible.

So it's the new year and I am so slacking on writing. I miss my haikus in a way and so now I am struggling with finding a writing project. And I have a bunch of projects to do. I am working on a murder mystery game that I am ghostwriting plus I have some other ideas and I am thinking about writing another short story to be sold as an ebook and one of my clients wants me to write more stuff for them.

I have so many works that aren't even finished including my novel, several short stories and a bunch of kid stories. It's not like I don't have work to do. Just lacking the motivation but I go through these phases at times I just need a swift kick in the ass or maybe two or three.

Well this end of the this post tonight may your cookies be big and your milk cold and your blankets warm.

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