Monday, May 9, 2016

Sausage of Knowledge

conundrum and just me
it doesn’t storm
eventually reasons right
the 65 world recuperates
do flash them today
and you will likely finish
Congress Spanish,
obviously jack, probably sexy
Medieval coming,
crushed and embalmed
catapults on stage
you seen Peter
and were glad
she has this and that
out for saying years
can be heads.
not my thing.
There, you have my
out see do.

Source: Colbert, Stephen. "Stephen Colbert’s Address to the Graduates." 5 Jun. 2006. Web. 9 May 2016.

Hey all today I felt like writing a poem.  Today this came from The Found Poetry Review and we were to create a poem from a commencement speech. You can read the prompt here I was going to do Kennedy, but the link wasn't working so I chose Stephen Colbert. Sausage of Knowledge was all his- verbatim, I thought it was funny. Anyway the text was rather large and my brain is rather mushy so I ran it through the Powerball feature at Applied Poetics, did some editing and poof a poem. It really was magic. Enjoy...

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