Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Random Thoughts on This December Night

It's been two weeks since I wrote here, but I have written plenty in my head. I just never wrote them down.  Last week, I was going to write about Christmas cards, well since Christmas has come and gone, seems kind of pointless (and let's face it, from my point of view kind of depressing).

I think I need to exhibit self control and stop looking around on the internet. Why because it pisses me off. I read too many comments from people about things and to me both sides seem kind of brain washed. Politics have been pissing me off. On the flipside, I did not like or share any Russian propaganda on Facebook. Have you seen some of the memes that were floating around? A lot of them focus on Jesus and shit. Well if you have been paying attention, you would know I wouldn't be liking or sharing Jesus shit. But what does that say about how the world views America? We love guns and Jesus. Is that the image you want to portray?

Speaking of religion, I have been trying to understand Ayn Rand. SO I am not going to read the books, I can't get into them, but I visited the Atlas Foundation and did some reading. I learned Ayn Rand was born and educated in Russia and then emigrated to the states. I am still trying to wrap my head around it. I don't think Paul Ryan is a true Rand follower. He believes in God and doesn't believe in abortion. In fact, as a party lap dog, he will make every regulation possible for women not to have one. Kind of goes against the Rand philosophy. I need to do more studying, it is know thy enemy. Why he is retiring anyway, if his wet dream is coming to light?

And think I about how I can sue the federal government because I no longer want to pay Social Security tax since the chances of me getting are slim. I also think congress should make middle class wages, which is  around $55k. I have no faith in the government or any party. I lost that faith a long time ago.

As for America, maybe DT is right. We need to America great again. However, our approaches are different. My head spins when I think about the problems Americans as a general group face and how it pisses me off, I am always dismissed when I write to my congress people. I feel like my voice is not heard with the Democrat party either.  I can't think of things, I can't do any fixing on my own and  feels like a lost cause.

Okay well, I probably have something to do that I should be working on. Maybe the next post will be more cheerful....

Till next time...

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