Saturday, January 20, 2018

And the Federal Government Closes Down

When I ask who is to blame, what is the answer?
The GOP?
The Dems?

Actually, it is all of us. We put these fucktards in office. We don't vote out people who has been politics longer than the Price is Right. Most of us don't vote in the primaries. Most of us vote in party lines, always. Look who is putting party before country?

We voted people who do not work with a person with a different point of view. All I hear is whining and crying and carrying on- like a daycare.

So what are we going to do about? It is obvious neither party gives a shit about most of us. So why do we keep voting them in?

How about we vote in our respective primaries and vote out incumbents. And if you don't have a choice, then come November vote out incumbents- even if they are from a different party. I am tired old party politics from both sides. We need a government reset.

Till next time...

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