Friday, November 17, 2017

Ask Me Anything- November 24, 2017 1:00 PM EST

Yesterday, I was invited by someone via Facebook to host a Ask Me Anything event on their website.

So mark your calendars and get  ready to ask me anything about writing, Kindle formatting, what it's like to be a writer, how I get my ideas, etc. OR you can post a poem or flash fiction (1,000 words or less) and I will give an honest critique. I'm not an expert or anything but sometimes it is nice to get someone else's thoughts on your work. Personally, this what I love about college writing classes- someone, at least one person (not including the professor), has to critique your work. If you're like me and want some fresh eyes you know where to find me.

You can  post questions early or on the day. I have two days to answer all questions after the event is over.

If you can't get enough of my writing rants or maybe you want to see what makes me tick click here, register and ask away. I am looking forward to your questions.

"See You" Friday.

Till next time...

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