Saturday, April 13, 2019

Tulips in Spring and the Litany of Rebirth

Chanting through my rub-grubby fingerprints,
I rise in the west from the marmalade rose.
Hickory and hazelnut burn in the distance
during crystalline dawn. It’s predestination

at the cathedral and I want
no part
of that litany.

A stray thought, a silence in a heap of flowers,
a resurrected balloon,  an oleander knife,
gather at the nexus
then scatter
into the hickory and hazelnut haze-wind

Lost in phenology and photosynthesis
life ends in parentheses.

Hey all, yesterday was crazy. Today is crazy. Anyway, this is poem 12. I wasn't inspired by the prompt today so I did another Google search poem. This is one of my favorite ways to create a poem. I learned about it from the former Found Poetry Review. So here's how you do it if you want to try it yourself.

Pick a phrase that doesn't go together (for instance the word bank for this poem was created by using the search term "tulip litany")
Search term in your favorite search.
Do not visit the website, just write down the words and phrases you like from the search results to make a word bank.
Create poem from the word bank. Some people are purists and only use words in the word bank. I add to the poem or change forms of words to fit the poem.

Anyway, I have the poem to write for today, and I will do that later. Check out NaPoWriMo to learn more.

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