Monday, January 7, 2019

Let's Build that Wall If...

We build a wall along EVERY single border that the United States has.

Why stop at the southern border? Aren't we just sick of the Canadians coming over to this country with ideas of healthcare and paid leave? Working over here?

And Alaska... Sarah Palin says she can see Russia from her house. If that isn't reason enough to build a wall all around Alaska, I don't know what is.

Fortify islands with 30-foot walls on the Hawaiian Beaches, Gaum, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

East coast, west coast and the Gulf of Mexico is also vulnerable. Build a giant wall along the beaches. Including Mar a Lago.

If we are going to do it, might as well do it right.

We are told that there is no money for universal health care but money can be found for a wall.

We are told the military needs equipment but there is a lot of junk we don't use.


But what about the people who originally come in on work or student visas and never leave? What about the ones who come by airplane and never leave? What about the people hiding in boats and sail across the Pacific. Or those who come hiding in tractor trailers and trucks right under Border Patrol's watch?

Tell me how does a wall stop those people?

So if he wants the wall around the southern border then wall the entire country. It only makes sense.

Maybe once we are done with those walls. Each state can build their own wall.

Sounds wasteful and stupid, doesn't it? Yeah, that's the point.

Till next time...

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