Monday, June 18, 2018

Brain Sweats

summer heat, cut grass
they’ve been at it all day
miniature ants collecting
miniature chunks of the french
fry that appeared
out of nowhere in on the
old tile kitchen floor

fireflies lack strength to flicker
lightening crawls to the north
letting this hamlet
in the mountains swell

I read a quote from Maya Angelou
and said the more creativity you use
the more you have.

I also read prize winning short stories
I  have no idea why
they were prize winning

why does  my brain sweat
and my fingerprints ooze
on the sticky keyboard?

And it’s here where
I share some share
award winning insight,
some greater truth to bear
the summer days without
air conditioning but
this is where you
come in with all your deconstruction
and see invisible
words in the white space.

Hey all,  It is hotter than a bitch. The thermostat says 83 and it's almost 11 at night. It's nights like this I wish I had AC. Anyway... still waiting for thunderstorms....

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