June bugs pelt the screen during the night like addicts looking for light Buzzing and fighting the screen. Humid air hangs over the long grass and dandelions.
Whippoorwills, but I call them whirly birds because their song whirls in the night.
It is almost June, but the hot days come and go like thunderstorms and most days feel like April.
Without looking for the video, I can tell you there is a Bugs Bunny cartoon called June Bugs, but I have no idea what is about. You know other than Bugs getting the upper hand in whatever situation he finds himself in.
I always wanted to be a cartoon voice, but then I never was an actor anyway. I always wanted to write an animated movie. But like all movie ideas, they just collect dust in the back of my mind.
Here I am thinking about all this stuff, and I don't know where to end. I want to breathe in the sunshine.
In Heart of Darkness, this line sticks with me "something that had a right to exist- obviously- in the sunshine" and I am no sure why, there's something there but Derrida is failing to speak to me from the twenty pound book.
And then while sitting among sheets of paper, a phrase flits across my mindverse language is a lie. And maybe it is. I think that is monostich, which is something I want to work on but for some reason, I don't. Like a lot of things.
On Mars, there is more day light and heat, and also night and coldness. But I would still go there, maybe in my next life.
Language is a lie and June bugs seek the night light, while bi polar weather does nothing predictable, Pink Floyd tries to give me a cigar. So am I going to far, am I going to fly high?
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