Home of JM Scott, author, poet and freelance writer. Featuring: Contemporary Speculative Fiction, Poetry, Thoughts on the Writing Life, Personal Anecdotes, and Opinion Articles
Thursday, May 24, 2018
In the End, We are not Alone
I stand on the road; the black sky melts with the black pavement. Cars and trucks are scattered and smashed into one another. Cracking glass. Crunching ice. Horns blare. Lights blink. People scream and cry, begging for help. Distant sirens, wolves howl- waiting for their meal, a baby wails, snow falls. A child of five with chocolate kiss eyes and a round moon face takes my hand, we are cold together, our voices lost; a man joins us, smiling he takes my other hand, the blackness opens, the hooded figure beckons us, and we walk toward him, oddly at peace.
Saturday, May 19, 2018
June Bugs

June bugs pelt the screen during the night like addicts looking for light Buzzing and fighting the screen. Humid air hangs over the long grass and dandelions.
Whippoorwills, but I call them whirly birds because their song whirls in the night.
It is almost June, but the hot days come and go like thunderstorms and most days feel like April.
Without looking for the video, I can tell you there is a Bugs Bunny cartoon called June Bugs, but I have no idea what is about. You know other than Bugs getting the upper hand in whatever situation he finds himself in.
I always wanted to be a cartoon voice, but then I never was an actor anyway. I always wanted to write an animated movie. But like all movie ideas, they just collect dust in the back of my mind.
Here I am thinking about all this stuff, and I don't know where to end. I want to breathe in the sunshine.
In Heart of Darkness, this line sticks with me "something that had a right to exist- obviously- in the sunshine" and I am no sure why, there's something there but Derrida is failing to speak to me from the twenty pound book.
And then while sitting among sheets of paper, a phrase flits across my mindverse language is a lie. And maybe it is. I think that is monostich, which is something I want to work on but for some reason, I don't. Like a lot of things.
On Mars, there is more day light and heat, and also night and coldness. But I would still go there, maybe in my next life.
Language is a lie and June bugs seek the night light, while bi polar weather does nothing predictable, Pink Floyd tries to give me a cigar. So am I going to far, am I going to fly high?
Monday, May 7, 2018
Dear Democrat Party
You call me on the phone about once a month asking if I would donate money. I politely decline, because what I really have to say doesn't deserve to be unleashed to the person calling.
About four times a month, you send an email with a survey about how I feel what the Democrat party should focus on, and then you ask for money. And since I don't give, I really don't think you care about my survey answers.
Primary Day is May 15, 2018 in Pennsylvania. We just had a redistricting. My district was 5 and now it is 15. With a week out from Primary Day, I had no idea who my candidates are. So I found out. I am wondering what the hell do you do with the money that you raise? It sure doesn't feel like you are helping out the local candidates. Why?
With a week out, I have not seen one Facebook ad for either candidate. This is odd since I have ran Facebook ads. I like Hillary Clinton's page. So if I were running an ad, I would target Pennsylvanians who are in Glenn Thompson's district and who like Hillary Clinton and/or Bernie Sanders or Tom Wolf. Trust me it can be done, I know how to set up Facebook ads because I target certain people with my Facebook ads.
And this is why the party doesn't connect with the people in my people district. I don't have regular TV, so who knows if the candidates are running television ads. I listen to Pandora, and there are no ads on there either.
It seems as though the Democrat Party cares only about presidential elections, and the superstars of the party like Nancy Pelosi or Elizabeth Warren (no offence just an observation). I believe the real power of the government lies within the people (idealistic I know. It is a fancy facade that we built this country on, but means nothing now).
I hear this talk about a Blue Wave, and where I live which is blue collar who overwhelming vote red- I don't see this happening. Perhaps the party just doesn't care about us, here in the center of Pennsylvania flanked by two major cities. And you wonder why people feel left out. It is because we are. If you focus on two major issues that face us here in 15 and other districts like ours, you will see people vote Democrat. Raise the god damn minimum wage and get healthcare under control. You either go all in with universal health care, or you bring the costs down. Either way low wages and high healthcare is what the people care about right here.
For folks who live in the new District 15 (formerly district 5). Here are the Democrat candidates running for District 15 Susan Boser, who labels herself as a progressive candidate, and Wade Jodun, in addition to Democrat ideals, he is for a strong military. I wasn't paid by either candidate to provide this information.
And to make it fair, the incumbent for District 15 is Glenn Thompson, he is a Republican who has been in office since 2008.
I strongly believe that voter apathy is because the government no longer works like it should. I know I contribute to this because I never voted in a primary. I will vote next Tuesday for one of the two Democrats. We all need to vote. In the primaries and the main election, all the time. Because this is supposed to be our government.
About four times a month, you send an email with a survey about how I feel what the Democrat party should focus on, and then you ask for money. And since I don't give, I really don't think you care about my survey answers.
Primary Day is May 15, 2018 in Pennsylvania. We just had a redistricting. My district was 5 and now it is 15. With a week out from Primary Day, I had no idea who my candidates are. So I found out. I am wondering what the hell do you do with the money that you raise? It sure doesn't feel like you are helping out the local candidates. Why?
With a week out, I have not seen one Facebook ad for either candidate. This is odd since I have ran Facebook ads. I like Hillary Clinton's page. So if I were running an ad, I would target Pennsylvanians who are in Glenn Thompson's district and who like Hillary Clinton and/or Bernie Sanders or Tom Wolf. Trust me it can be done, I know how to set up Facebook ads because I target certain people with my Facebook ads.
And this is why the party doesn't connect with the people in my people district. I don't have regular TV, so who knows if the candidates are running television ads. I listen to Pandora, and there are no ads on there either.
It seems as though the Democrat Party cares only about presidential elections, and the superstars of the party like Nancy Pelosi or Elizabeth Warren (no offence just an observation). I believe the real power of the government lies within the people (idealistic I know. It is a fancy facade that we built this country on, but means nothing now).
I hear this talk about a Blue Wave, and where I live which is blue collar who overwhelming vote red- I don't see this happening. Perhaps the party just doesn't care about us, here in the center of Pennsylvania flanked by two major cities. And you wonder why people feel left out. It is because we are. If you focus on two major issues that face us here in 15 and other districts like ours, you will see people vote Democrat. Raise the god damn minimum wage and get healthcare under control. You either go all in with universal health care, or you bring the costs down. Either way low wages and high healthcare is what the people care about right here.
For folks who live in the new District 15 (formerly district 5). Here are the Democrat candidates running for District 15 Susan Boser, who labels herself as a progressive candidate, and Wade Jodun, in addition to Democrat ideals, he is for a strong military. I wasn't paid by either candidate to provide this information.
And to make it fair, the incumbent for District 15 is Glenn Thompson, he is a Republican who has been in office since 2008.
I strongly believe that voter apathy is because the government no longer works like it should. I know I contribute to this because I never voted in a primary. I will vote next Tuesday for one of the two Democrats. We all need to vote. In the primaries and the main election, all the time. Because this is supposed to be our government.
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