Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Educate Me- Birth Control

What is about birth control that gets people riled up? You would think women who control when they want children is a good thing.

Recently, the president rolled back a rule that required employers' insurance to cover birth control. Just birth control. Now any company can opt out of that coverage for their employees  because of a moral or religious issue. Google Hobby Lobby.

A common comment on any news article is "Pay for your own birth control."

This is where I am confused. We are talking about employers' health insurance coverage.

As I understand, insurance works as a pool of money. You and your employer pay the health insurance company and they pay for certain medical care. It's a not a pool based on your employer but everyone enrolled in particular health insurance company. So really, just because the employer has some kind of asinine objection, everyone still pays into the pool where some woman is getting birth control.

How about an example:

XY Corp offers health insurance through Blue Cross Blue Shield. We all know how big Blue Cross is. But XY Corp has a moral objection to birth control and opts out of coverage. Yet, down the road AB Corp doesn't and also offers Blue Cross Blue Shield to its employees. In reality, XY Corp is still paying money into a pool of money that help's pay for birth control.  The whole "religious" or "moral" objection doesn't really stand.

Another thing, I see a lot of why people have these objections, God's will.

So it's God's will for pregnancies but it's not God's will for:

-erectile dysfucntion
-Black lung
-high blood pressure

Tell me how this makes sense? Why is it okay to go  against "God" and take medicine for other issues? But not okay to take "The Pill?" If someone uses that reason, then the only health insurance one needs is God.

Last thought....

If you have insurance chances are you paying for someone's birth control. She is paying for your Viagra. You are paying for someone's poor life choices or for someone's run of bad luck. That's how insurance works.

Till next time...

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