Gray, Emma J. "Fun for the Househould: A book of Games." Web 10 Apr. 2016.
Here is poem ten. So I am not sure if it is my ever-obsession with witches or I just finished watching Salem on Netflix but when I saw this, I saw something rather naughty and rather witchy. The source was originally published in 1897 and this poem comes from the game "The Man in the Moon." One other interesting tidbit, the original book was published by The Christian Herald. Some how, I find that fact pretty funny.
This an more traditional erasure poem. You can read the full prompt here to learn more about it.
Kudos to my kid, who suggested the inversion of color. She said it was a little too plain with the white background and the blacked out words. I agree, I am not against white space but for some reason this poem demanded less white space.
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