Thursday, October 8, 2015

Poetry Collages

Hey everyone, I am going to make another post here shortly but since it is National Poetry day, I thought I would bring mention to my poetry collages, I have for sale on Etsy. Here is a sample:

I make a new collage every week, and  I will have 52 finished at the end of this year.

All these collages will be collected in a book and published sometime early in 2016.

It all started with a bit inspiration in an art history class and I thought I could do this. So I sent away for travel brochures from almost all the states. I cut up the best pictures. I have a list words I collected from various places such as Facebook and news feeds. I also collected interesting phrases from people's speech.

Every week, I sit at the table. I pull a fresh sheet of 9x12 paper and then  root through my box of pictures. Sometimes, I want to use a particular picture, sometimes I am just drawn to a particular picture.  I arrange the pictures then paste them down.

Then it is time to create the poem. The picture may or may not speak to me. The words and phrases might inspire but this is not always the case. This particular poem was created mostly from my word and phrase list.

I invite you to browse through all the poetry I have for sale. In addition to the poetry collages, I also write custom name poems,  and offer Christmas poems for a variety of applications.

Happy National Poetry Day!

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