Thursday, October 29, 2015

Halloween Treat- Moonswallow Gates by JM Scott FREE

Hey all, just wanted to let you know that Moonswallow Gates is free for the next few days. I did change this book. As you can see the cover is new and the inside is the same but I went through it again and fixed whatever needed fixed. I hope you pick up a copy and I really do hope you enjoy it.

I just signed up for Nanowrimo, yesterday in fact. I wasn't decided on what I was going to do. But tell you what, I need to get out of this slump and I thought this would be perfect. I don't have much of a plot,  but I have the beginning. The novel has no name as of yet and the main character is a woman or should I say a teen but she has no name. I think I am going to write at the seat of my pants for this one. Oh yeah I am going to write stream of consciousness,  and I am kind of excited.

In the immediate future, I am working on a long short story ebook called "Seaspring Briar". It's about 6 or more years old. My style is a lot different now but I think Seaspring has merit. It is a haunted house story. I really love my haunted houses.  I'll let you know when it is available for Kindle. So that's about it.

Wish me luck or cheer me on this November because I really need it. So many days these last few weeks, I just wanted to quit but I just can't. It's too much apart of who I am .

Till next time...

Thursday, October 8, 2015


Heading north? Where
Igloos are made of ink and paint
Take me with you . My
Cataracts create a blurry world, it’s
Hot in Florida and I just want to
Hit the liquor store, then seduce an
Incubus. Because Broadway
Kicks are just a fantasy.
Ever think of heading north where
Raspberry ribbons undulate the night sky.

Happy National Poetry Day! Here is a poem I wrote a couple of years ago. This is an acrostic using the word "hitchhiker". Have a wonderful day!

Poetry Collages

Hey everyone, I am going to make another post here shortly but since it is National Poetry day, I thought I would bring mention to my poetry collages, I have for sale on Etsy. Here is a sample:

I make a new collage every week, and  I will have 52 finished at the end of this year.

All these collages will be collected in a book and published sometime early in 2016.

It all started with a bit inspiration in an art history class and I thought I could do this. So I sent away for travel brochures from almost all the states. I cut up the best pictures. I have a list words I collected from various places such as Facebook and news feeds. I also collected interesting phrases from people's speech.

Every week, I sit at the table. I pull a fresh sheet of 9x12 paper and then  root through my box of pictures. Sometimes, I want to use a particular picture, sometimes I am just drawn to a particular picture.  I arrange the pictures then paste them down.

Then it is time to create the poem. The picture may or may not speak to me. The words and phrases might inspire but this is not always the case. This particular poem was created mostly from my word and phrase list.

I invite you to browse through all the poetry I have for sale. In addition to the poetry collages, I also write custom name poems,  and offer Christmas poems for a variety of applications.

Happy National Poetry Day!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

October's Sunday

Hello all, it's been a week since I last wrote and that is a pretty good improvement. I want to say I was busy writing, but that would be a lie? So why aren't you writing? You maybe thinking. I am, for lack of a better word, discouraged.  I send things away and it is always rejects. I know it that is how it rolls but that doesn't mean it makes it better.

My husband said to me, "do you think a doctor just gives up with your heart laying on chest  because he is discouraged?" While he may be discouraged, he sure doesn't give up. 

I am lacking motivation. It's like everything is at  a standstill or everything is moving around me and I am not moving. I am just breathing.

I was thinking the other day, how luck I truly am. I am lucky because I don't have to work outside the home. It's not like we are wealthy, he makes enough to live on and we make do without certain expenses like cable and expensive cell phone plans.  My kid is in school and my own school work probably only takes 10-12 hours a week to complete, which leaves ample time for writing. I am lucky because other writers have to work a full time job or more and then shove writing somewhere in between. And what am I doing? Wasting it all away for no good reason. I can write 1000 words in an hour on a good day. If I spent two hours writing at 1000 words an hour for 5 days a week, that would be 10000 words a week a novel written in 2 months.

Sometimes, I just need to hear from someone else that I am good at writing (or maybe some words of encouragement). I know I should be writing for myself.  I also want people to read my stuff. I put my work in the world and the only thing I hear are crickets.  I constantly wonder if I am boring, if I am worth anything as a writer.

As time goes long, I am lost in sea of writers and I am no one. I think maybe I lost whatever supposed talent, I ever had. I don't fit in with any group. This is very true in workshop classes, I feel like an outsider, like I don't belong. I am not similar to anyone else and I don't belong anywhere.

Okay enough whining for one day. Enjoy your day.