Tuesday, August 25, 2015

On the Horizon

I wanted to publish another ebook since it has been a few months (actually I think it is three but who is counting). So I decided on publishing a short story collection. These are unpublished stories that I like. I wanted to make it  a good sized book, but I think that is not going to happen. I went through my computer looking for all my stories and I have list of five or six. One of them will be removed because I just don't really care for it all that much once I really thought about it. One story I wanted has vanished off my hard drive and it is not in the cloud either.

 As I went through my stories, I came upon a little gem of goodness. It was an unfinished story that takes place in the future. I like to think of it as quasi-utopian society. It has no title. It is written in present tense. The style in itself is something different then what I normally write. The story is already at novella length at 27,000 words.  For some reason, I quit writing it a couple of years ago. I think I was afraid of the style or the present tense. Since you know all the writing books say I should be doing a certain thing. The one class I am taking in school showed me it was okay to be different. So I say- fuck the rules.

When I go to write a story, I don't plan nor outline. I have vague ideas that just come upon me. I don't know how it will be written. The story tells me, the characters tell me  how to write the story. I am just a stenographer for them.

Yesterday, I started working on it. I am going to finish it. I will publish it in the future on Kindle. I am not sure yet if it will be a novel or a novella. I won't know until is done.  Of course this isn't the only unfinished story either.

There is another post apocalyptic story and one about a cult that is planned as an ebook from the start.  So I am going to finish those too. I am not sure what brought this gusto on,  considering I am 3 weeks behind in working on my poetry collages. I plan on catching up this week.

My body of work is slim considering how long I have been writing. I did lose stuff in notebooks  over the years. I always say I don't write as much as I should. Two days,  I wrote in the morning for a little more than an hour. Tomorrow will be three. I want to finish all these stories and do something with them.

I also want to write a new story for here as well since it has been awhile but I have a couple ideas already percolating. I am also thinking of writing a book of nothing but flash fiction but that is still in the planning stage.

I decided to be a writer and now it is time to be writing.

Till next time...

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