Tuesday, May 28, 2013

She Lays With the Lilies

And drum roll please, this is my fourth ebook that has been published a few weeks ago. One of the things I really liked about this publisher was the incredibly fast turn around time. I sent all the work in and whatever links I wanted to and next morning I have an email with a link for the book.

She Lays With the Lilies is a bit of a different book for me. Actually, that is not fair of me to say. I like to stand by that I write stories regardless of genre because I want to tell the story. And this story is no different. The only difference is there is a lot of love and happy sex scenes (now we are talking a sizzling Harlequin here). When I was approached to write for this publisher they asked for romance and I said I can do romance but can there be a supernatural element with bit of mystery. I got the green light and thus the story was born.

She Lays With the Lilies is a romance/mystery short story. And this is what it is about in a little bit of a nutshell. Carter Masterson meets Alora Dune in freshman year at college and it is love at first sight. Right before their junoir year in college, she disappears with out a trace and Carter tries everything he can to find her but never does. Three years later, she returns and she needs his help. But Alora is a lot different than she used to be- because she is dead.

The publisher gave me this coupon code ER93L and this allows you to get this book FREE.  This coupon code is good for Smashwords. It is available on all formats such as Kindle, Nook, Ipod/phone/pad and even PDF. Here is the link for the book on Smashwords: She Lays With the Lilies. If you decide to buy this book, please, please leave feedback. I don't care if it is mean or nice as long is it honest. I want to be a better writer and the only way I can do this is if my readers take a few minutes of their time and write an honest review. I really appreciate it if you do.

And if you like the story or any of my other stories share the links with your friends and tell them about it.

Gratitude is never seen but always felt.

1 comment:

  1. I am very glad for you.way to go keep up the good work.
