Sunday, December 9, 2012

Weekened Round Up

And so today is Sunday and I know it has been several days since I wrote but you should know me by now, I am always unorganized. I think it adds some color to my life. So I want to share what has been keeping me very busy these last few days.

I finished another ebook, this morning in fact. I had some trouble with this story because I really had no idea where it was going. Many times when I begin on a story I have a basic idea of the plot. With this particular story I had a name and a character trait. So I began on the path with no direction. Eventually, I let my fingers do the walking and I finished it. I even like how it ended. Sometimes it is nice to go on a writing adventure with no idea where it will go. Now I will have to edit it and I have some other short articles to write that go along with the story. The articles won't take me long though. I should have it done this week sometime.

I started my new job two weeks ago (for another company) as an electronic assembler. I had specialized traning this past week and now I am a certified electronic assembler which is pretty cool. And this certificate, I can take with me to another company. This job is pretty good so far, I am looking forward to this week because I hope I will be doing real work. I will say one thing, since I am working a normal schedule I seem to have more time to focus on writing which is always a good thing.

I was days behind my haiku writing and I also caught them up this morning. Go me, I am on a writing whirlwind and it feels damn good. I am still thinking about next years poetry project. I want to try something new but I seem to keep falling back on haiku or something similar or even acrostic poetry. I don't know maybe something will come to mind soon enough. I just need to find something that will keep dedicated to writing that is quick to do. The whole point is try to write everyday but sometimes I don't have all the time in the world for writing. And some projects I have are the ones that need some time and devotion. But we will see. I really should work on stuff that I already started.

What I need is a secretary to do my sending out of stuff and I can sit back and write. Sure that will happen when everyone knows my name.
 So what else is there, oh yeah I did some decorating for Christmas and I watched all the new Bones that appeared on Netflix. I also started watching a pretty funny show called Reaper. And with that I think that is about everything or at least what I can think of right about now.

Till the moon shines on the lone lily caked in mud.

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