Sunday, November 4, 2012

Haiku 2

cut cobblestone path
calm, white plantation
bodies hang from cypress

it titubates
cotton candy on the tongue
surprise snowfall

prismatic eye
from shadowy corridors
straight jacket peril

where laugh begins
where it dies under cloud fall
ridged life

Its been awhile since I added to my online collection for This Salacious Life.  Most of these were written in February. The first batch was written in January through the beginning of February. I have a lot of haiku to choose from. I select ones that I want to send away for printed publication, those bad boys you won't read until they are published. The ones I select here are the ones I may have sent away at one time, or I like a whole lot. There are plenty that are bad and they will stay hidden in the actual book document.

My goal to publish in order is because I think I gotten a lot better with this form. I should hope so, I am  almost done with my poetry project for the year.  So the next  time I post some on here they will probably be written from March through April.

I would love to hear what you have to say. The comment box is always open.

As always may your coffee cup be brimming with hot WAWA coffee.

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