Don’t enter the canal
where the golden gondolas
drift in murky water
mosquitoes gallop
malaria races through their
frail long-legged bodies
Egyptian cotton in the pillows
pink pills on the satin sheets
the smoking moon sleeps in cobwebs
with ladybugs who should be gone.
And this is
where autumn turns
to summer heat
black lipstick on the cheek
those yesterdays are just an update
ants in the glass.
Welcome to here
sign your name and watch all the stars go out
blackness eats
away from the canal
to the lilies where freedom breathes
phosphorescent daydreams
deja vu at the table
it’s an all-out surrender to shadows
come on and feel their embrace
feel the flight in murky water fingers
let them breath stale whispers
and follow the light home
Home of JM Scott, author, poet and freelance writer. Featuring: Contemporary Speculative Fiction, Poetry, Thoughts on the Writing Life, Personal Anecdotes, and Opinion Articles
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Sweet Dreamland Wheels by JM Scott Free in all Kindle Markets Through June 1, 2019

As I was grabbing the link for the book, I realized this book was turning 4 this June. It seems a lot longer than that. But I think I move on a different timeline than other people. At least it seems like it.
So here's a free sample from the book where I used HP Lovecraft as a source text.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
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Image by Muhammad Ribkhan from Pixabay |
From: Unknown Sender
Subject: Remember Ringing Rocks
Hey babe,
I hope you didn’t delete. I don’t think you would. Hell, maybe you don’t even use this email anymore. How long has it been? It feels like yesterday to me. I was there in the May sunshine laying in your arms and then a pain that started small and then my brain exploded or that’s what it felt like. I don’t really know how else to explain it. I know I’m dead and chances are I wouldn’t open this email either if the roles were reversed. But I guess I would because of Ringing Rocks.
Did you find a new woman? I hope so. I don’t want you pining away for me. I’m dead. I know this. I wish I could see you. But it’s not like the stories. This heaven, if you want to call it that. I can’t see anything. Even writing this required a freak solar storm. And for a brief moment, I saw how the world changed. I don’t know the current year. I don’t see anything. I don’t feel anything but I hear voices.
I don’t know how much time I have. I wish I could give you more answers. But remember the old family story about the gold pieces that my great grandpappy stole from Blue Beard and he buried it somewhere. It’s true. Great Grandpappy said it was. JD, go to the old farmhouse walk east to the woods and there is a tree that looks like a Y. Under the roots is the chest. Take it JD and be happy. I’m here waiting for you.
Love you,
Subject: Help!
I think I’m going crazy. I just got an email from Greta. It has to be a glitch right?
Subject: Need to talk to you!
Dr. Johnson,
It’s urgent that I speak with you right away. I am seriously losing my mind. You said I was getting better, but I can’t be. I just got an email from Greta. It’s got to be a sick joke right. I tried to make an appointment but the soonest you can see me in is in July. Could you spare a few minutes and call me? Please, I’m desperate.
JD Varas
Subject: Greta
Why don’t we go? The woods are still there. What would it hurt? Buddy, you need closure Greta’s gone now for five years. I’m worried about you. I rented a car for this weekend. I’ll pick you up at 9 and we’re going to get this treasure.
From: elise.johnson@
I have been trying to call you for days. I am worried about you. As you know, grief changes a person. I am afraid that our offices were hacked and someone is playing a sick joke on you. I am worried that it is someone trying to do something nefarious and you take the blame. I have alerted the police.
Please call. I told my assistant to schedule you right away, even after hours.
Dr. Elise Johnson
Subject: This weekend.
I’m not going this weekend. I talked to my shrink and someone is playing a joke on me. That’s what she said.
In a way, I was really hoping Greta wrote. I want to believe that she is not really gone. Is that really so wrong? I’m trying to get over her. But nothing I do works. She’s everywhere. She’s in all the clothes I wear, all the furniture I sit on, the bed I sleep on. I swear I see her shape in the shadows.
The shrink is upping my meds. We’ll see how it goes.
Subject: You ain’t ditching me.
If I have to hog tie you and throw you in the trunk, then so be it. You need this. You need to get out. You need to do something. Greta wouldn’t want you wallowing.
Subject: Blue Beards coins
Good afternoon JD,
Sorry, it took me so long to get back to you. The coin you gave me has been authenticated and it appears to be from the right time frame of Blue Beard’s missing treasure. This is an incredible find. Are you looking for someone appraise the collection for insurance or for sale?
We need the entire collection for a full appraisal. If you want to sell, the appraisal is free. For insurance, the appraisal will cost $540. This includes related paperwork.
Thank you for letting touch this wonderful piece of American history. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing more of the collection.
Take care,
Subject: Treasure
What are you going to do with the rest of the treasure? Are you going to keep it or sell it?
You didn’t have to give me any. But... I bought the garage with the money. I’ll be opening Cuztomz next month. I have a huge party planned. You will be there, right. Strike that. You will be there. It’s all because of you I get to open this shop anyway.
I don’t think I could ever repay you.
Subject: Final paperwork
Good morning JD,
The sale is complete and we need to come in to sign the final paperwork. The cashier’s check is also available for pick up.
Take care,
Subject: I’ll be there.
I don’t think I could ever repay you for all that you did for me over the few last years. Without you, I don’t know where I would be. And I know you hate mushy shit. I just thought you should know.
You’re like a brother to me. And you’re right finding the treasure has brought me closure with Greta. And you’re right, she wouldn’t want me wallowing.
I think I am going to try living again. I’m going to start with your grand opening party. Could you maybe have a chick set up for me? I need to stop using my hand. I need to live once again.
Subject: Thank You!
Dear Mr. Varas,
From all of us at Cammy’s House, we want to thank you for your generous donation of $1.5 million dollars. With this money, we will be building a new shelter and naming it after your late wife, Greta Varas. In addition, scholarships will be set up to assist battered women to better themselves.
You probably hear this all the time. But Greta was amazing. So beautiful, so much strength. When she met you, I remembered how she seemed to float. And she was so scared because of her first husband. But we all knew you were different. I wanted to call so many times, but I never knew what to say. I miss Greta every day. She has touched so many women here at the shelter. She was the inspiration for all our women that they could do better and make it in this world. And I know it wasn’t fair that she was taken from you, from us, from this world.
If you ever want to talk, just call.
Take care, JD.
Tabby Shad
Monday, May 20, 2019
Heart of a Goddess by JM Scott free Through May 22, 2019

Story in a nutshell: Leonard is looking love and he thinks he finds it when he rescues a half-naked woman in a snowstorm. She promises him the world if he brings her one thing- a beating human heart.
This is also the first book I ever self-published. So gather around the screen it's story time.
According to Amazon, I published this book on November 13, 2013 so it will turn 6 this year. Before I even know that you could self-publish books on Kinde, I was writing stories for other people to publish. I made $20-30 per short story and I got a byline. Part of the agreement was I lost all rights to it. I admit I was not well versed in the publishing world. And these opportunities came at a time when I needed money.
Prior to this book, I had three published this way. This was one was for a repeat client. But then they rejected it because it failed their standards (graphic violence). So I had a book prepared for publishing and I had no idea what to do with it. So I asked Google and discovered I could do this myself.
And the rest is history. I love publishing myself. Not saying, I don't want someone else to publish my work in a traditional sense but with Kindle, I can write the story I want to write. I prefer writing long short stories and novellas and Kindle is the best place for these.
Anyway... so that's that. Grab a free copy of Heart of Goddess, take a read and let me know what you think.
Till next time...
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
I walk from
my cubical to the bathroom down the long white hallway past the executive offices. Out of the corner my eye, hundred of tiny shadows dart back and forth. I stop and look. Nothing is there. I continue on my way, and the shadows invade my vision once again. Maybe it’s the new anxiety medicine I started. I stop and see nothing, again. Just as I get the to restroom door, the shadows swarm me.
Haverford Daily News: Man Found Torn to Shreds in Office Hallway.
Police Have no Leads.
Second “animal” attack in Haverford in a week.
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Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay |
Haverford Daily News: Man Found Torn to Shreds in Office Hallway.
Police Have no Leads.
Second “animal” attack in Haverford in a week.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
I have the moon
and walked to the city
of dawn. Shadowed lamp
light against the blue
sky gravel.
So I look for synthetic
destiny under the textured
copper beach wood.
On the horizon altar
the crow holds the seraphim
talisman while mangroves
lay unfolded. The right hand
star spreads across succulent
meadow rivers and I grasp
for the light rope dangling
from the peach cumulus.
and walked to the city
of dawn. Shadowed lamp
light against the blue
sky gravel.
So I look for synthetic
destiny under the textured
copper beach wood.
On the horizon altar
the crow holds the seraphim
talisman while mangroves
lay unfolded. The right hand
star spreads across succulent
meadow rivers and I grasp
for the light rope dangling
from the peach cumulus.
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Seeking Publishers
For years now, I have been sending out stories and poems to print magazines and digital magazines, magazines that pay or don't. Sure, I would like to get paid, but it doesn't even matter now. In all those years, I have had haiku published in Frogpond and Bear Creek Haiku. This was years ago.
According to my spreadsheet I have been keeping since 2015, I have 99 rejections. A 100% rejection rate. It is discouraging.
I know this is how the business is. And this is to be expected.
But I think I had an epiphany the other day while I was doing a submission blitz. My work does not fit in any magazine, print or digital, anywhere.
I don't follow the current "popular" style. My stories are heavy in dialogue. My stories do not describe the rain in a paragraph when a sentence is sufficient enough. My stories are genre and not at the same time. Many of poems are cerebral, surreal, and based in language play.
And so I must ask myself, should I bother with the magazines when I know it will be rejection. I read the guidelines. I read the samples. And I know my work doesn't fit. So then I wonder what should I do now?
Times like this I wish I had another author to talk with.
Writing is fun; I love it. I love editing. I love revising. I hate submission and looking for publishers.
Till next time...
According to my spreadsheet I have been keeping since 2015, I have 99 rejections. A 100% rejection rate. It is discouraging.
I know this is how the business is. And this is to be expected.
But I think I had an epiphany the other day while I was doing a submission blitz. My work does not fit in any magazine, print or digital, anywhere.
I don't follow the current "popular" style. My stories are heavy in dialogue. My stories do not describe the rain in a paragraph when a sentence is sufficient enough. My stories are genre and not at the same time. Many of poems are cerebral, surreal, and based in language play.
And so I must ask myself, should I bother with the magazines when I know it will be rejection. I read the guidelines. I read the samples. And I know my work doesn't fit. So then I wonder what should I do now?
Times like this I wish I had another author to talk with.
Writing is fun; I love it. I love editing. I love revising. I hate submission and looking for publishers.
Till next time...
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Moonswallow Gates by JM Scott FREE in all Kindle Markets Through May 5, 2019
Hey all, Moonswallow Gates is FREE in all Kindle markets through May 5, 2019.
Valisa Ravensquire, recent college grad, learns that a great-uncle she never knew died and left her a stone tower house and money. And... a magical legacy. Suddenly, her life changes. The house comes alive and what horrors await with this new power and legacy. Come on by and find out.
Perhaps, you are wondering why I offer free book promotions. The short answer: I am trying to figure out is my target audience and build an audience.
Moonswallow Gates is horror and the first novel I ever wrote. I have more novels in various stages of revision. These novels are much better than this one. Like all things, the more you do it, the better you become. Of course, in those years, I don't write horror as much, but branch out toward more speculative fiction. Though, I am still magic obsessed.
Anyway, I know there is a one-star review. When the review was written, I unpublished the novel and revised it again. So I hope, it is a much better version. I would love for you to read it and let me know.
Till next time...
Valisa Ravensquire, recent college grad, learns that a great-uncle she never knew died and left her a stone tower house and money. And... a magical legacy. Suddenly, her life changes. The house comes alive and what horrors await with this new power and legacy. Come on by and find out.
Perhaps, you are wondering why I offer free book promotions. The short answer: I am trying to figure out is my target audience and build an audience.
Moonswallow Gates is horror and the first novel I ever wrote. I have more novels in various stages of revision. These novels are much better than this one. Like all things, the more you do it, the better you become. Of course, in those years, I don't write horror as much, but branch out toward more speculative fiction. Though, I am still magic obsessed.
Anyway, I know there is a one-star review. When the review was written, I unpublished the novel and revised it again. So I hope, it is a much better version. I would love for you to read it and let me know.
Till next time...
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