I forgot yesterday was Monday. If you noticed or maybe not, I have been posting on Mondays and Wednesdays and have been rather successful with that schedule. It was the first Monday after daylight savings time, and I have no idea what day I thought it was. The weather was distracting. It really felt like March in the Appalachians. It reached 50, the sky was blue almost blinding, the sun was full throttle, wind gusts would race in from the west, and the entire front yard was nothing but a mud pit, where everywhere I stepped cold, wet mud oozed into the mesh of my sneakers. When I got home last night, I took off my shoes and socks and the bottom of my socks were mud-stained. Finally spring. I have this urge to take my shoes and socks off and step in the mud. But today is a little chiller and the mud would be too cold. I'm not as young as I used to be and the cold on my feet is like needles.
When I was younger, I used to swim in the Kangamangus River in New Hampshire and that bitch is cold. But eventually, the cold makes you numb then there is a feeling of peace. I also used to swim in the Atlantic both at Hampton Beach, New Hampshire and Ogunquit, Maine. Sure my legs were bluish-red but that didn't stop me. Now, the cold water is rather bothersome.
I went to the store this morning, and I had an epiphany. I've been having those a lot lately. Now, that school is done, my job is to write. I am a writer. I am also a jewelry maker. Both of which I have not been dedicated to like I should. So while I am looking for employment, I have to show up to work on my writing and my jewelry. I have to fire up Word Perfect (the best word processing program. I've been using it since the beginning when you had to use a floppy- a 5.25 mind you, to start it. MS Word can suck it. I digress though...) and write. One of the things I have learned over the years is that revision is great. I look forward to it. But you can't revise if the first draft is written. Revision is work, a lot of work, and I show up for that and put in the time. The first draft is daunting; I never want to work on it. But those are just excuses, lame ones at that. Revision is where the magic happens.
I'm not in school anymore, and I think it's time to stop with the excuses and be the writer I was meant to be. Showing up, doing the work.
Here's to a new adventure...