Probably like most of you, I am sitting in the sidelines watching various communities from Texas come together to save each other, their pets, their horses and cattle. I am amazed at the amount of water that got dumped in the area. I am amazed at a picture of a flooded highway that had waves.
I wonder what those people are thinking. I wonder how I would be thinking if I was in that situation. I really don't have words.
As my Facebook feed is flooded with acts of heroism and stories of humanity, there is also news stories that are not worth anytime. The first one is....
Melania Trump's shoes. Here's something: Her shoes should not matter to anyone. I don't care what kind of spin someone would put on it they are not important. I, for one, do not give a shit about what shoes she wore. No one else should either. You know what's important... the people affected by the storm, information about the storm, first responders, local and state government officials talking about the storm and humanitarian aid. That is what is important. I often defend the media, but not this time.
The second one is the former University of Tampa professor who said Harvey was karma for Texas supporting DT. And this is for him, Ken Storey.
You are a piece of shit, and I don't say that often. What does a hurricane have to do with politics? It doesn't. PEOPLE DO NOT DESERVE TO SUFFER. What you are saying is because Texas went to DT that children, non-voters, illegals, Dem voters, GOP voters get to suffer from devastating hurricane and flooding because of the election? That makes no fucking sense to me. And what about the millions of people around the world who suffer? They didn't vote for or care about DT. The Douche Bag 2017 award goes to you.
Till next time...
Home of JM Scott, author, poet and freelance writer. Featuring: Contemporary Speculative Fiction, Poetry, Thoughts on the Writing Life, Personal Anecdotes, and Opinion Articles
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Sweet Dreamland Wheels by JM Scott Free Through Sept. 1, 2017
Hey all, Sweet Dreamland Wheels is FREE in all Kindle markets through Sept. 1, 2017. Some of you may remember that this book is the product of the month long poetry challenge I was apart of in 2015. This collection of found and experimental poetry features source authors such as Stephen King, Dean Koontz, RL Stine, HP Lovecraft, Joyce Carol Oates and others.
Here is a sample from the book.
Here is a sample from the book.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Writing Update
It's been almost two months since I finished college. Without the weekly course load and deadlines, I fell into a lazy trap. Even though I had and still do have a lot of projects to work on. Things are getting a lot better. So here's the update no one cares about until I am famous, and then all of a sudden everyone wants to know my inner-workings (and if you do figure me out, please tell me because I often don't know).
Natarua Alitura- The poetry calendar. All the pages have designed and have been uploaded to Lulu. I have a couple of things left to do, and then it will be ready for purchase. I am shooting for an early September release or sooner.
Tryptophantasia and Other Poems- This is a poetry chapbook. The book is together. I am working on cover design. I am hoping for a release in September.
I have been submitting one manuscript to a publisher for the last three weeks. So far dedicated. I've been down this road before. I am all dedicated to sending stuff away then after all the rejections come back, I stop sending stuff away.
Things I wish were working on:
Fiction. I haven't written a new story in forever. And yet, I have a ton of ideas. SO MANY IDEAS, They keep me awake at night. Yet, when I get to the computer. I just don't write. Poetry yes, but not stories. I am trying like hell to work on that. I was dedicated, determined, not playing Candy Crush or looking at Facebook.
Speaking of distractions. I am making a conscious decision on not playing Candy Crush until much later at night. And when I feel the Facebook urge coming on, I look at my todo list and work on something. It is getting a lot better.
Anymore Facebook sucks and it is boring. I don't think it is a 100 percent Facebook, but the news and people who comment on news stories. I seriously can waste an hour reading the news. I have found my mood is better because I am not always reading the fucking news.
Till next time...
Natarua Alitura- The poetry calendar. All the pages have designed and have been uploaded to Lulu. I have a couple of things left to do, and then it will be ready for purchase. I am shooting for an early September release or sooner.
Tryptophantasia and Other Poems- This is a poetry chapbook. The book is together. I am working on cover design. I am hoping for a release in September.
I have been submitting one manuscript to a publisher for the last three weeks. So far dedicated. I've been down this road before. I am all dedicated to sending stuff away then after all the rejections come back, I stop sending stuff away.
Things I wish were working on:
Fiction. I haven't written a new story in forever. And yet, I have a ton of ideas. SO MANY IDEAS, They keep me awake at night. Yet, when I get to the computer. I just don't write. Poetry yes, but not stories. I am trying like hell to work on that. I was dedicated, determined, not playing Candy Crush or looking at Facebook.
Speaking of distractions. I am making a conscious decision on not playing Candy Crush until much later at night. And when I feel the Facebook urge coming on, I look at my todo list and work on something. It is getting a lot better.
Anymore Facebook sucks and it is boring. I don't think it is a 100 percent Facebook, but the news and people who comment on news stories. I seriously can waste an hour reading the news. I have found my mood is better because I am not always reading the fucking news.
Till next time...
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Message to the Upstairs Neighbor
I always wanted to warn the wren
of staying alive in the attic
is no place for paradise, dark
in the day and vicious
rusty nails in neat little rows
ready to prick the gentle foot.
A small opening that can be
sealed at any time, then death
will be the door out
Winter is too cold here and
comes too early, never ending nights
mixed with endless snowfall,
and jagged icicles.
He should leave
with the harvest moon, find
a cozy southern maple, spend
his days in sunny rhapsody.
I hope he knows and understands
cars careen too fast around tight curves,
snakes sleep on summer’s stones
hidden by wispy grass
and death can be dressed as an old
lady in the park, tossing stale bread
on the ground.
And if he doesn’t come back,
nest his youngsters next spring
in the attic, I will know which door
was opened for him and for me
mornings will be too quiet.
This the 100th poem I published on this blog. I have grown so much as a poet in these last few years. I truly love poetry and I wish more people loved it as well.

is no place for paradise, dark
in the day and vicious
rusty nails in neat little rows
ready to prick the gentle foot.
A small opening that can be
sealed at any time, then death
will be the door out
Winter is too cold here and
comes too early, never ending nights
mixed with endless snowfall,
and jagged icicles.
He should leave
with the harvest moon, find
a cozy southern maple, spend
his days in sunny rhapsody.
I hope he knows and understands
cars careen too fast around tight curves,
snakes sleep on summer’s stones
hidden by wispy grass
and death can be dressed as an old
lady in the park, tossing stale bread
on the ground.
And if he doesn’t come back,
nest his youngsters next spring
in the attic, I will know which door
was opened for him and for me
mornings will be too quiet.
This the 100th poem I published on this blog. I have grown so much as a poet in these last few years. I truly love poetry and I wish more people loved it as well.
Monday, August 21, 2017
Solar Eclipse 2017
There's something about a foggy and overcast Sunday, when silence is in every corner and the sun is blanketed. Through the quiet, the neighbor plays "Teenage Wasteland" from his open garage as he works on something unseen. The cigarette smoke curls up and wafts out the open door. Saturday night's zombie is in the back of my mind. And this right now is a scene from a movie not made, or a future unwritten. I can see it, I can hear the desolation of the world around me.
For some today, Eclipse Day, they believe it could bring an end, the rapture. For me, with my Pumpkin Spice Special K cereal box ready for the big event, I just cannot wait to see it. The sky is a mix of clouds and sun. Facebook is lighting up left and right with videos of the event from the west. And others running for under their beds.
It's like the wind that was in Maryland on Saturday that came down from the sky, taking your breath away, creating white caps on the small lake. The awe of the natural world. The moment when you feel small when look at the universe on a dark night and see the million year old stars. Thoughts overcome you, wondering what life was like a hundred years, a thousand years ago, when man first stepped from evolution and wondered across the land. I wonder what life was like here, when this country was more wild than city. When trees and littered the land. When a small strand of smoke would dance against the sky with no one around for miles.
There's power in nature. And while I am only going to see 80% coverage (that is if the clouds aren't assholes), I am excited. 2:35 cannot get here fast enough.
Till next time....
For some today, Eclipse Day, they believe it could bring an end, the rapture. For me, with my Pumpkin Spice Special K cereal box ready for the big event, I just cannot wait to see it. The sky is a mix of clouds and sun. Facebook is lighting up left and right with videos of the event from the west. And others running for under their beds.
It's like the wind that was in Maryland on Saturday that came down from the sky, taking your breath away, creating white caps on the small lake. The awe of the natural world. The moment when you feel small when look at the universe on a dark night and see the million year old stars. Thoughts overcome you, wondering what life was like a hundred years, a thousand years ago, when man first stepped from evolution and wondered across the land. I wonder what life was like here, when this country was more wild than city. When trees and littered the land. When a small strand of smoke would dance against the sky with no one around for miles.
There's power in nature. And while I am only going to see 80% coverage (that is if the clouds aren't assholes), I am excited. 2:35 cannot get here fast enough.
Till next time....
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Let's Talk About Race
I have spent the last few days trying to figure out how to write what I think about "race" relations in this country.
The title of this blog post is useless but effective.
Race as we know it in this country and probably others is a social construct. We are part of one race the human race. This includes all people of all skin colors. Physically, our differences are small. As a species we have the least amount of genetic variation.
People whom hate "others" will more than likely not change. It doesn't matter what you say or how many studies you throw at them. Or how much you condemn them. They are set in their beliefs. Fine, let the racist dinosaurs die out.
Relations between people of different skin colors suck in this country. And I have been thinking of ideas on how to make things better. I can't think of any. I heard about restitution. I don't think it will solve anything, it sure won't solve the deep seated issues.
As horrible it is, America's history is dotted with European conquest of people of different skin colors and culture. The Spanish converted native populations in the Southwest, Mexico and South American. Other European cultures eradicated, killed, moved millions of natives on America's mainland. And of course, millions of Africans were brought against their will to be slaves. We all know this or at least I hope so.
And still I have no idea how to solve our social problem. I am not worried about ISIS. I am worried about us, and how we are fighting against each other. As the saying goes: United We Stand, Divided We Fall. We need each other.
Please tell me what you think this country can do to be united and equal for all people regardless of skin color.
Till next time...
The title of this blog post is useless but effective.
Race as we know it in this country and probably others is a social construct. We are part of one race the human race. This includes all people of all skin colors. Physically, our differences are small. As a species we have the least amount of genetic variation.
People whom hate "others" will more than likely not change. It doesn't matter what you say or how many studies you throw at them. Or how much you condemn them. They are set in their beliefs. Fine, let the racist dinosaurs die out.
Relations between people of different skin colors suck in this country. And I have been thinking of ideas on how to make things better. I can't think of any. I heard about restitution. I don't think it will solve anything, it sure won't solve the deep seated issues.
As horrible it is, America's history is dotted with European conquest of people of different skin colors and culture. The Spanish converted native populations in the Southwest, Mexico and South American. Other European cultures eradicated, killed, moved millions of natives on America's mainland. And of course, millions of Africans were brought against their will to be slaves. We all know this or at least I hope so.
And still I have no idea how to solve our social problem. I am not worried about ISIS. I am worried about us, and how we are fighting against each other. As the saying goes: United We Stand, Divided We Fall. We need each other.
Please tell me what you think this country can do to be united and equal for all people regardless of skin color.
Till next time...
Friday, August 11, 2017
Nukes are not Toys
Nukes are not toys.
You don't get to slap plutonium or uranium in a missile and release it like caged fireflies.
If you want to rule the world, what is the sense of destroying it? Even you, are not immune on the surface.
Power is an addiction, a desire, always sought but never fully attained. And those nukes, are nothing but the checkmate for the world. On August 6, 1945 the United States dropped an a bomb on Hiroshima. On August 9, 1945 the United States dropped an a bomb on Nagasaki. Both in Japan. Both are shameful events. They happened. There are dozens of pictures if the world needs a refresher on the damage.
History is supposed to be a reminder where we went wrong as a human race so we don't make the same mistake twice. Yet, selective history is the only thing you see through a warped lens.
In 2017, I thought, believed, we as a world moved beyond nuclear weapons. But I guess not because power, dominion, is more important than anything else.
Nuclear weapons are not toys and you don't get to play God, because God isn't real and the only thing you are doing is feeding grand delusions of greatness. When in reality you are nothing but a name and a face in front of the world's cameras.
You don't get to slap plutonium or uranium in a missile and release it like caged fireflies.
If you want to rule the world, what is the sense of destroying it? Even you, are not immune on the surface.
Power is an addiction, a desire, always sought but never fully attained. And those nukes, are nothing but the checkmate for the world. On August 6, 1945 the United States dropped an a bomb on Hiroshima. On August 9, 1945 the United States dropped an a bomb on Nagasaki. Both in Japan. Both are shameful events. They happened. There are dozens of pictures if the world needs a refresher on the damage.
History is supposed to be a reminder where we went wrong as a human race so we don't make the same mistake twice. Yet, selective history is the only thing you see through a warped lens.
In 2017, I thought, believed, we as a world moved beyond nuclear weapons. But I guess not because power, dominion, is more important than anything else.
Nuclear weapons are not toys and you don't get to play God, because God isn't real and the only thing you are doing is feeding grand delusions of greatness. When in reality you are nothing but a name and a face in front of the world's cameras.
Monday, August 7, 2017
Trick or Poem by JM Scott FREE in all Kindle Markets Through Aug 10, 2017
For the last two weeks, every time I have gone to the store there has been a new pumpkin spice item. Yes, I admit it, I am a pumpkin spice addict. First, was the pumpkin spice Life cereal. Then the pumpkin spice instant oatmeal (I bought both of these). I also bough pumpkin spice air fresheners. I was in the grocery store this morning and I noticed pumpkin spice Special K. MMMM Anyway, with the advent of pumpkin spice comes Halloween. Yeah!
Trick or Poem is FREE in all Kindle markets through August 10, 2017. This chapbook features 31 Halloween and/or horror themed poems including digital poetry collages, pictograph poems and many others. Why not grab your copy today?
And without further ado, here is a sample poem from the book called "Nevemore Alive than Dead." It is a pictograph/text speak poem. Enjoy.
Trick or Poem is FREE in all Kindle markets through August 10, 2017. This chapbook features 31 Halloween and/or horror themed poems including digital poetry collages, pictograph poems and many others. Why not grab your copy today?
And without further ado, here is a sample poem from the book called "Nevemore Alive than Dead." It is a pictograph/text speak poem. Enjoy.
Friday, August 4, 2017
Opinions on Nothing
Everyone has an opinion. I figure in this day and age, I could be a pundit of some sorts. My opinions are worth just about as much as everyone else's. Today, I am going to share some opinions. And I think it would be cool to have my words as a meme. So have it....
Illegal Immigration
*One thing that irks me is when I read comments on illegal immigration and someone will write something to the effect "if there were no illegal immigrants in the fields, your produce will be more expensive." So I guess it is okay to pay the illegal immigrant substandard wages so you can have cheaper produce. These are the same people who want a higher minimum wage
English Tests
* Literacy is power. For every person who comes to this country not speaking English, they could seriously screw themselves over. There is a certain amount of trust when someone translates for you. When you can read and understand the language, you have power to make your own informed decisions. I think the skills test is useless and a waste of money. If I were to move to Mexico, I better know Spanish because I know I could get screwed over.
The same can be said with native Americans who have low literacy skills or illiterate. I know there are some people who just can't learn. And there are others who can. Literacy is power. Know and understand the language and you will know and understand your rights.
*I don't trust any theocratic government.
* There is no war on Christmas. It is war on Yule.
Random Garbage
* I love when there is a severe thunderstorm warning. I love the dark skies and the reverberating thunder and when the power goes out. Lately, thunderstorms at home have been boring.
* I don't know why but I have been fascinated with The Philadelphia Experiment. I have been doing some reading about the guy Al or whatever. And his future map is interesting.
*Love him or hate him, I believe Donald Trump is the harbinger for the true American Renaissance. In Europe, there were Dark Ages marked by religious fervor and the crusades. Then the Renaissance came about, or the age enlightenment, where science and art flourished. I see a pattern, and I am looking forward to our American Renaissance.
* Why is it in space we can be BFF's with Russia? I would like America and Russia to get along because we have a joint enemy. I will not mention this regime by name because maybe I am a little paranoid, but if you follow the news, you can figure out. All I am going to say is I wish there no such thing as nuclear warheads.
*Am I only the one who thinks it would be great if Twitter went silent for an hour?
* Driving down the mountain to State College, I see the most bizarre thing. There is a mailbox and on the mailbox there is a campaign flier for Trump, underneath it is another sign that says "greed kills jobs."
And what are your opinions? Till next time...
Illegal Immigration
*One thing that irks me is when I read comments on illegal immigration and someone will write something to the effect "if there were no illegal immigrants in the fields, your produce will be more expensive." So I guess it is okay to pay the illegal immigrant substandard wages so you can have cheaper produce. These are the same people who want a higher minimum wage
English Tests
* Literacy is power. For every person who comes to this country not speaking English, they could seriously screw themselves over. There is a certain amount of trust when someone translates for you. When you can read and understand the language, you have power to make your own informed decisions. I think the skills test is useless and a waste of money. If I were to move to Mexico, I better know Spanish because I know I could get screwed over.
The same can be said with native Americans who have low literacy skills or illiterate. I know there are some people who just can't learn. And there are others who can. Literacy is power. Know and understand the language and you will know and understand your rights.
*I don't trust any theocratic government.
* There is no war on Christmas. It is war on Yule.
Random Garbage
* I love when there is a severe thunderstorm warning. I love the dark skies and the reverberating thunder and when the power goes out. Lately, thunderstorms at home have been boring.
* I don't know why but I have been fascinated with The Philadelphia Experiment. I have been doing some reading about the guy Al or whatever. And his future map is interesting.
*Love him or hate him, I believe Donald Trump is the harbinger for the true American Renaissance. In Europe, there were Dark Ages marked by religious fervor and the crusades. Then the Renaissance came about, or the age enlightenment, where science and art flourished. I see a pattern, and I am looking forward to our American Renaissance.
* Why is it in space we can be BFF's with Russia? I would like America and Russia to get along because we have a joint enemy. I will not mention this regime by name because maybe I am a little paranoid, but if you follow the news, you can figure out. All I am going to say is I wish there no such thing as nuclear warheads.
*Am I only the one who thinks it would be great if Twitter went silent for an hour?
* Driving down the mountain to State College, I see the most bizarre thing. There is a mailbox and on the mailbox there is a campaign flier for Trump, underneath it is another sign that says "greed kills jobs."
And what are your opinions? Till next time...
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