Remember when I published my other poetry book Into the Garden and I said it was a nightmare because formatting was a bitch? This book was created using Kindle Kids Book Creator, a free tool provided by Amazon. If you are a poet and are looking to publish your poetry with the proper format, then you must get this tool. It is very simple to use. To construct the book your pages must be in PDF format. For this book all pages I set for 4x6. Then I manually added each page in the book. Because of the short pages the poems sometimes go to another page, but because of the formatting, no two poems run into one another. Since this worked so well, I will be reformatting my first poetry book to match this one.
The cover- it's pretty wild right? The center picture is actually coral in a fish tank and I did a special effect and it sort of looks like a face. Then I used a vector drawing colored it with various skins and pasted the photo in the center. The background is sand. I really like how it turned out. One great thing about poetry books, is the cover can be a little wild.
I hope you get your free copy and I really hope you enjoy the poems. Here is a sample that is found in the book. Till next time...
So This is Really the Apocalypse
Drops of blood pitter-pat
down Phoenix Road
fresh stalks of piranha
rolled oranges
with fucking rough underwear,
and swallowed the scraps.
I saw los chicos
on the sticky trail
blanked and blurry
forfeited their hearts
with no great loss.
The girl got eaten by an orange,
a raw throat
rolling in the gutter.
Source: Cortese, Kate. “Swallowed.” Nano Fiction. Nano Fiction, 10 May 2014. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.