Here is a super quick blurb about the book. It is a full length poetry collection that features 45 plus poems written in the acrostic style of poetry. The poem titles are things you might find in a garden including flowers, vegetables and fruit. To buy the book in the US market click here. To buy this book in the UK market click here.
The countdown deals will end in 2/26/14 in both markets. At the time of this writing both markets are saving you 80% off. So hurry and get your copy while it's cheap.
Just to finish here is another sample poem.
Perhaps its punishment but isn’t that what an
Eternity in hell is all about?
And that’s what they want you to believe.
Chastised, until a pale rider comes to
Harvest souls from
Earthen crates, the big day of final judgment.
Some life to live, waiting to die to be in heaven when there’s so much now.